
Other $

, Shawnee, KS 66216

Kansas City


Throughout human history, the Sun has acted as a natural alarm clock, perfectly adjusting our patterns of wakefulness and sleep. When sunlight hits our retinas in the morning, its low-wavelength blue light triggers our bodies to produce the wakeful neurotransmitter serotonin. When the Sun sets, the absence of blue light triggers the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. As numerous studies indicate, modern light sources (particularly fluorescent lights, laptops, and cellphone screens) contain a high level of blue light that disrupts melatonin production and throws off our natural circadian rhythms—keeping us awake when we should be sleeping. Many sleep specialists suggest that this widespread exposure to blue light, long after the sun has set, is a major contributor to the modern epidemic of insomnia. However, the amber-spectrum light emitted by firelight and candlelight demonstrates no negative effect on melatonin production. SomniLight sleep lamps are specially designed to mimic the amber-wavelength light of candlelight without sacrificing the safety and convenience of modern lighting, allowing you to fall asleep up to an hour faster. When using amber light is impractical (late night shift work, gaming, or computer use), amber lenses have been proven to block up to 99% of blue wavelengths, preserving your body's natural levels of melatonin. Our lights and lenses allow you to enjoy your evening—reading, writing, and relaxing—without the corresponding d

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